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Browsing Archive: May, 2011

Off deep into the Season!!

Posted by Katelin Achelei on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : english 

 Eggolsheim - 666 years market rights
 Well our first view weekends are behind us, and we just got home. So a little bit of time to relax and recap.Two weeks ago, we went to Eggolsheim. A wonderful town run market to celebrate the 666th anniversary of awarding market rights to the city. The market had many interesting salesmen and craftsmen and even my favorite cows - scotch highland cattle!!! So cuddly!!!! We also enjoyed being able to rest at the campsite of our good friends "The black Eagle...

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Historisches Museum Bamberg - Historical Museum Bamberg

Posted by Katelin Achelei on Sunday, May 1, 2011, In : dschinglish....(deutsch-english) 

 Today we went to the Historical Museum here in town. It had a special section on pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela and I was also able to catch a climpse of some local medieval pottery. It was a great day and in addition to all the exhibits, including "Life on the River Regnitz" the building of the museum itself was impressive. It used to be part of the castle of emperor Henry and his wife Kunigunde during the 11th century.


All the exhibits in the pilgrimage section got me all going agai...
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